
What could have been...

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Larosin Fin Schaets:
Age: 22 (before reset) 23 (after reset, deceased)
Clone: Garnet Admete  
Species: Zargonite Mutant
Diagnosed with: Antisocial Personality disorder (APD).
Alternate Story: Before event that wiped out everything, Larosin was a mutant superheroine with rapid healing powers brainwashed by the Universo Ray to serve villains of Zargon. Until a horrific accident with an unspecified elemental that mangled her entire body. Left for near death by the other superheroes who used her (figuring out that she didn't need help), she was 'rescued' and restored by Shadowscythe. She never forgave them for their failure. In fear of her own defeat which he saw in vision, Marquis Therus was convinced to create a near-perfect clone, which attacked Harlinique (who thought it was her).

This went awry and she fled to Soluna. Meeting Misako made love her realized and Therus tricked her partner into piloting a huge Mecha dinosaur. They soon travel to Westion in order to revive the Chaos Dragon, Dagiteon (her true master) and cause 'a cleansing of the Universe'. Misako rejects her offer. She goes off in a rage to shoot Vixen in a high noon showdown (due to misinterpretation). Catching up to Vixen on the Zephyrus Sleigh, she is about to shoot her in cold blood. Garnet sneaks on Larosin and pushes her off moving train, breaking all her bones. Just as she is about to die, Larosin realizes that was what her vision prophesized and that she just met her doppelganger.

Garnet Admete ironically has no memories of having neither a mother nor a father, but still feels obliged to her creator, Harlinique by following others examples. He eventually sees the innocence she gives out and takes advantage but she soon fights back. As she grows experienced about her surroundings she desires to be different from Larosin as an individual should. She does this by changing her speech to accent her mental change and various activities. She has a pleasant naïve personality but confused about her origins. The only other way to distinguish her from the original is by hair colour.

Vixen Sangreal Foxtrot
Age: 17 (before reset and deceased)
Species: Spaniard Human  
Alternate Story:

Misako Irwa
Age: x (unknown factor, but she is in AQWorlds)
Species: Neosephrim
Diagnosed with: Borderline Personality disorder (BPD).
Reincarnation into: Melkior Thantu.
Descendant: Trinenna Pyre
Alternate Story: Misako joins Larosin rather unwillingly (as a prisoner of war) according to her new Shadowscythe masters, which means she is bound to certain restrictions. As Larosin's new 'partner' she is rather unhappy with the new arrangements, but soon they are dragged into the interplanetary triangle war between Earth/Mars/Shadowscythe. During SS explosion in space, Larosin tricks the Soluna Defence Units to think Misako had been killed in action in order for them to stop chasing them. They land on Earth (3009 AD) and cause havoc when the SS army decide to hit Earth and Soluna at the same time. She gets mistaken for Rei Ayanami. Felicin and Ryu take her in. While also chased by Earth patrollers, she learns how to ride a Harley Davidson.
After much arguing with Larosin in Westion, Misako goes her separate way.

Devlin Whirl
Age: 16 (before reset) deceased after reset
Species: Martian
Diagnosed with: Depression
Alternate story: Devi was extremely worried about Rosia's state of mind when she proclaimed that Misako was her new partner, after much urging from Misako's brother he promises to search for her. But before he could do so, he heard the news that Mars had been attacked by Shadowscythe. Travelling back to his home-planet he witnesses the Prince of Mars's assassination. This complicates things, so he goes back to Soluna in time to hear that SS had invaded. He along with the survivors of Soluna kept moving from planet to planet to throw the SS of their trail. This was unsuccessful and he gives up hope.

Olapen Jinitro
Species: Solunian/Succubus
True name: Odaxitar Kananari Ivorystrike Jinitro
Parents: Helikoth and Jacaranda Jinitro
Age: 16 (before reset) 17 after reset
Alternate Story: The end of the first Gear University year means that she is dating people… and three others want to ask her for the formal. But she can only choose one: Diaglo! Just when they are about to save the last dance, the Mysterious stranger arrives from another dimension, and Ulanth. Diaglo asks why Ulanth wants anything to do with her and he explains: Olapen is descended from a long line of Nagas (half snake people). Ulanth knows her from when she was possessed, but not only that: Harlinique had injected her with nanotechnology. When the SS attack the following year, they target her and she becomes a causality of war.
Detaillings for the sequel for Officer Misako that never eventulated
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